Deploy Drupal to the Raspberry Pis

Before you can interact with the Drupal site on the Pi Cluster, you need to set up your local workstation’s hosts file so you can enter the web address http://cluster.pidramble.test/ in your browser and load the site. You will need to add the following line to the end of your hosts file:  cluster.pidramble.test

Instructions: edit your hosts file.

Once you save the new version of the hosts file, go visit http://cluster.pidramble.test/. You should be redirected to the default Drupal site's installer.

Note: You can actually point the domain cluster.pidramble.test at any one of the Kubernetes nodes (.62, .63, or .64); they are all running an instance of the Traefik ingress controller. In a production environment, you should either use DNS round-robin to point your domain at all the nodes, or use a load balancer sitting in front of the cluster pointed at all the nodes (for a working example using another Pi, see Using Drupal Pi as a load balancer for Pi Dramble).

Install Drupal

The easiest way to install Drupal is to use the installation wizard UI that you see when you access http://cluster.pidramble.test/

Deploy your own Drupal codebase

Deploying your own Drupal codebase and site to the Pi Dramble cluster is fairly easy, though a bit different from a traditional Drupal deployment process (since it runs on Kubernetes and Docker).

For a thorough walkthrough, and a complete example Drupal 9 site—in fact, the very website you're currently reading!—please have a look at the Drupal Example Site for Kubernetes documentation.